An explanation of the hybrid model to training/coaching we take and why…

You and I are still primitive creatures; our biology hasn’t changed that much over many many centuries.

And, genetically, we’re wired to live free and wild. This is partly why we like have fun in the mud, bond when enduring hardship together and tackle obstacle courses.

Obstacle course racing is the most primal sport due to the nature of endurance and the movements needed. It really is functional fitness.

A huge part of the modern-day culture wages war with our genetics and this typically leads to a sedentary life, weight gain, low energy and illness.

As a society, we’ve all become so sedentary that young people have no clue how to get in shape. And stay there.

In all likelihood, our culture will only worsen these conditions over the next few generations.

Now, I’m not suggesting downing tools and heading back to the forest…

Yet, you can have a refined balance between your primitive software and the all-surrounding comforts of the 21st century.

Actually, you can have the best of both.

And this, essentially, is the Primal philosophy: an ancestral approach to health and performance.

It’s the best of both worlds and allows your genetics to live in sync with our modern-day world.

Primal nutrition

Our eating habits affect the way we look, think and feel and that certainly determines our health and the outcomes we get in life and competition.

You may have heard? That 80% of our body composition is determined by the quality of the foods we put into your mouth.

Want to be, healthier, leaner and more muscular?

It starts with Primal eating here…

So, what is Primal nutrition?

Primal eating is an insanely tasty & fulfilling approach to Nutrition, like you’ve never seen before, or experienced.

The foods are incredibly nutrient dense, They are high in satiety. This is largely based on our ancestors and the region of the world they came from, but with the freedom and flexibility of the modern world foods.

This is real food eating, from the greatest foods on the planet. Foods that nourish us from the land, the sea, a bush or a tree.

Occasional and sensible indulgences such as red wine and dark chocolate and other great tasting foods add colour to your renewed palate experiences are a part of this way of life, which makes it all that more enjoyable and sustain compare to typical dieting approaches.

With Primal eating we’ll show you the way…

Learn to eat in abundance without having to track your calories and macros forever, or being a slave to an app, or particular “diet”. There are no restrictions with this approach. We will educate you here and learn what work best for you, taking into consideration your lifestyle, environment and the people in it, to create a winning environment for your nutritional success.

Learn about what foods work for you, and which ones don’t. This really is key! There isn’t a one size fits all approach here. What currently works for me, won’t necessarily work for you (or the next person).

The beauty of our coaching is that we work with you to find what works vs just giving you a set & rigid, inflexible plan to follow. We build this with you, for you, over many weeks and months. As you evolve, our approach will evolve with you and for you!

Learn how to effortlessly burn body fat and build muscle with our primal nutritional approach.

Learn how to energise your body so that you can tackle day to day life and dominate the obstacles in your path.

Learn how to boost mental energy so that you can be more present and productive in life without the lethargy and energy dips across the day!

How does having lasting and sustainable energy sound to you?

Want to perform your best come race day and have the body to go with it??

Learn about our performance based nutrition to fuel your training and competitive events. We dive deeply into meal timing, frequency of feeding and what foods and the quantity of this needed to perform in your event.

Primal movement & physical training

Looking to increase your physical fitness, conditioning, strength, prevent injuries, and build confidence in your abilities? At Primal Fitness, we specialize in training OCR racers and individuals who aspire to be healthier, fitter, and perform at their best both in life and in race competitions.

Our comprehensive program focuses on:

- Running/Conditioning

- Strength

- Skill & Movement

- Balance, Stability, Flexibility, and Mobility

Why do we cover all of these areas?

Because without incorporating all these components into your program, you risk, gaps setbacks and never truly performing at your best due to weaknesses and imbalances.

A well-rounded athlete doesn’t cut corners. They achieve results more efficiently and effectively with a specific, tailored approach.

An issue we often encounter is that individuals have multiple specialists, coaches, trainers who don’t synchronize their efforts. For example, working with a strength coach, a running coach, and a nutritionist who are all experts in their fields, but may not specialize in OCR. This lack of coordination can lead to problems such as conflicting advice, overtraining, and inefficient progress.

At Primal Fitness, we synchronize all of this into one plan, under one roof with all of our coaching team and community. This approach fosters better communication and collaboration among our specialists, ensuring a cohesive and effective training program.

Ultimately, the results are determined by the choices of the athlete/person and the execution of the plan. Let’s dive into these areas a little deeper…

Running Speed & Endurance: Our program is designed to help you break free from training ruts, reach the next level with less effort, and avoid frustration.

Strength: We focus on improving upper body, grip, leg, and core strength essential for conquering obstacles.

Skill and Movement Efficiency: Hone specific skills to enhance agility, precision, and effectiveness in both training and competition.

Balance, Stability, Flexibility, and Mobility: Address muscular imbalances and joint restrictions for injury prevention and rehabilitation.

Rest & Recovery: Learn how to train hard and smart, and most importantly, how to recover to maximize your fitness and performance.

Blending all these skills and physical abilities into a training program for this unique sport is an art, and it’s what we specialize in. Let us help you achieve your best in both life and race competitions.

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable Socrates

Comprehensive Lifestyle Coaching with Primal Fitness

At Primal Fitness, we believe in a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond traditional fitness and nutrition.

Our coaching encompasses all aspects of your lifestyle, helping you achieve balance, vitality, and fulfillment in every area of your life.

Here's what else our coaching covers:

Goal Setting and Time Management

We work with you to set clear, achievable goals that align with your vision for a healthier, more fulfilling life. Our coaches provide personalized guidance and support to help you prioritize your goals and manage your time effectively, ensuring that you make progress towards your objectives while balancing work, family, and other commitments.

Productivity and Structured Routines

We help you create structured routines for your morning, daily, and evening activities, allowing you to optimize your productivity and make the most of your time. By implementing consistent routines, you'll cultivate habits that support your well-being and help you stay focused and organized throughout the day.

Sleep Regimen

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and vitality. Our coaches assist you in developing a personalized sleep regimen tailored to your individual needs and preferences. From optimizing your sleep environment to establishing bedtime rituals, we provide practical strategies to help you improve the quality and duration of your sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and energized each morning.

Lifestyle Alignment

We encourage you to align with your primal genetics and reconnect with nature, helping you tap into your innate rhythms and instincts. By embracing a lifestyle that honors your biological needs and natural environment, you'll experience greater harmony, resilience, and vitality, enabling you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Personal Growth and Transformation

Our coaching isn't just about achieving external goals—it's also about personal growth and transformation. We empower you to break free from limiting beliefs and habits, unleashing your full potential and enabling you to grow beyond your wildest dreams. With our support and guidance, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, unlocking new levels of confidence, fulfillment, and success.

Ready to take control of your life and unleash your full potential?

Join us at Primal Fitness and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness and vitality.

Nurturing Holistic Growth: The Power of Proximity, Presence, and Personal Accountability.

In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment, we often focus on developing skills, achieving goals, and honing our talents. While these aspects are undoubtedly crucial, true transformation goes beyond mere external accomplishments. It delves into the depths of our being, encompassing spiritual and emotional health, our relationships, and our sense of purpose. At the heart of this journey lie three foundational principles: proximity, presence, and personal accountability.

Proximity: The Essence of Power

The saying "proximity is power" encapsulates the profound impact that our environment and the people we surround ourselves with have on our lives. Beyond physical proximity, it extends to emotional and spiritual alignment.

When we immerse ourselves in supportive and uplifting communities, we create fertile ground for growth. Positive influences inspire us, challenge us, and propel us toward our aspirations. Conversely, toxic relationships can hinder our progress and drain our energy. By consciously choosing our company, we shape not only our external circumstances but also our inner landscape.

Presence: Cultivating Mindful Awareness

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of distractions and demands. Yet, true fulfillment arises from being fully present in each moment. Whether at work, in relationships, or amidst competition, mindfulness cultivates a deep sense of awareness and engagement. Spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or mindfulness exercises foster this presence, grounding us in the here and now. By embracing the richness of each experience, we unlock the fullness of life's tapestry.

Personal Accountability: The Catalyst for Growth

Accountability serves as a cornerstone for growth and development. Having mentors, coaches, or trusted confidants who hold us to our commitments provides invaluable support on our journey. Yet, accountability extends beyond external guidance; it requires an internal commitment to take ownership of our choices and actions.

This self-awareness and willingness to face challenges head-on propel us toward our goals, fostering resilience and adaptability. By embracing accountability, we unlock our potential and chart a course toward our desired future.

Investing in Self-Growth: The Path to Wholeness

Recognizing the value of investing in ourselves is a pivotal step toward holistic growth. Seeking out coaching, mentorship, or spiritual guidance equips us with the tools and insights needed to navigate life's complexities.

It is an acknowledgment of our inherent worth and a commitment to nurturing our spiritual and emotional well-being. Through self-reflection, introspection, and continuous learning, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.

Embracing Holistic Growth

In weaving together the threads of proximity, presence, and personal accountability, we cultivate a tapestry of holistic growth.

Each principle interlaces with the others, forming a resilient foundation upon which to build our lives. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences, staying present in each moment, and holding ourselves accountable, we unlock our fullest potential.

This journey of self-discovery is not linear but cyclical, marked by growth, setbacks, and renewal. Yet, through it all, we emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with our true selves.

In conclusion, nurturing holistic growth requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses spiritual, emotional, and relational dimensions.

By embracing the principles of proximity, presence, and personal accountability, we embark on a journey of transformation that transcends mere achievement. It is a journey of becoming—becoming more authentic, more resilient, and more fully alive.

As we navigate this path, may we be guided by wisdom, inspired by possibility, and anchored in the depths of our being.

"Embracing the innate desire for community and connection, we recognize humans as inherently tribal beings.

Thus, I've curated a dynamic global community that resonates deeply with our need for meaningful connections in today's interconnected world.

Within our vibrant community, you don't just access the expertise of our coaches; you also tap into the collective wisdom of fellow members, both in-person and virtually. Imagine the wealth of insights and experiences waiting to be shared!

Picture this: successful business owners collaborating, exchanging ideas, and fuelling each other's growth journeys.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just embarking on your business venture, our community provides the fertile ground for innovation and support.

Many of our members join us seeking refuge from the isolation of modern life, longing for a sense of belonging.

Here, within Primal, they find their tribe, their sanctuary of like-minded individuals united by a common purpose.

But our community isn't confined to virtual interactions alone.

We embark on adventures together, embracing the primal essence of life through exhilarating activities like racing, skiing, and immersive retreats (see tab above).

It's more than a network; it's a lifestyle.

Are you yearning for a tribe to call your own?

Craving genuine connections with those who truly understand you? Look no further.

Primal beckons—a haven where community and connection converge, guiding you towards a more fulfilling, purpose-driven existence.

“Join us on this transformative journey."

Primal concepts and how they can change you

Embracing the principles of Primal health entails reconnecting with humanity's ancient yet robust evolutionary lineage, fostering our utmost vitality even amidst the whirlwind pace and technological immersion of the 21st century.

By attaining fundamental physical and dietary objectives, you unlock the ability to engage in a dialogue with your genes. In turn, these intrinsic architects of our being assist in sculpting the fittest, most resilient, and healthiest version of yourself imaginable.

The journey towards profound improvements in both physical and psychological well-being begins with the simple adherence to Primal principles.

The Benefits of Primal Fitness:

Contrary to popular belief, achieving optimal health and fitness need not be a grueling ordeal. In reality, it's a straightforward path to embodying the look, sensation, and performance you desire.

What we require is a tailored approach that resonates uniquely with each of us.

Essentially, it's about identifying the components that constitute the formula for individual success. We provide guidance on how to navigate this process.

At Primal Fitness, our mission is to educate and embolden you to discover sustainable solutions—without resorting to passing trends, supplements, restrictive diets, or quick fixes. We advocate for results through harmonizing with primal living and honoring our genetic heritage.

This message is for those who:

  • Seek to enhance their physical condition and overall health.

  • Struggle to attain their desired physique.

  • Yearn to regain self-assurance and vitality.

  • Aspire to exude confidence and vitality.

  • Wish to lead a long and vibrant life.

  • Aim to set a positive example for loved ones.

  • Endeavor to establish a lasting legacy of health and fitness.

  • Find themselves frequently ill or falling short in their health pursuits, seeking a definitive solution.

  • Desire to excel in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

Look no further! Countless individuals, including myself, have undergone transformative journeys with Primal Fitness, and you can too.

It's easy to succumb to excuses and rationalizations for postponing your health goals and deferring true self-confidence. Yet, these very excuses serve as compelling reasons to instigate change. After all, if you don't take action now, where will you be a year from today?

The first step often entails stepping out of your comfort zone—a realm where fear dissipates in the face of action. Remember, five years from now, we'll all be older. Choose to be five years closer to the person you aspire to become by embracing the Primal lifestyle.

Through unwavering action, persistence, and implementation, achieving your desired outcomes becomes an effortless endeavor within the framework of Primal living.

Message me now to discover the transformative potential of embracing a Primal lifestyle tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Seeking adventure & Craving a new YOU?

Struggling physically and mentally with your training? Struggling to hit podium?

Unexplainably lethargic? Carrying around things that drain the life from you?

Reach out now to impact your direction altogether.