Have a look at what these people achieved with our support & revealed about their transformation

There is a great quote by author Steven Pressfield. He states - Nobody says, “I’m never going to write my symphony, they say I’ll write it tomorrow!”

The right time for change is now. In fact, it has always been like this. And that’s an unbending universal law. It’s just that we all have the tendency to painfully delay our own success by avoiding the very thing that we need to succeed in that moment.

It’s time to demand the very best for yourself.

Liam Mitchell - 4th place AG in the Spartan World championships, Spartan European Champion 2022, 2nd European championships 2023, UK National Series Silver 2021, Bronze 2022, and Spartan UK national series champion AG 2023.

3 years ago I gave up on training, my health, literally everything. I thought what’s the point!

In 16 months I completely turned my health and life around. I came 2nd in the Spartan regional series with in my AG category, met some incredible athletes, got control of my mental health and I started to enjoy my life again.

Thank you Matt Roberts for helping me get my life back on track - Liam

Lena & Placido Klitzke (Aka Leonidas Lobas) - Primal Evolve Athletes & age group racers.

Lena K - Double podium weekend. Silver & Bronze medals 🏆

Placido & Matt celebrating after Sparta TWC sprint 2023

Lena K - 2nd Place Spartan race Germany & Austria Dach series 2023

Michael Culver - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Evolve Athlete

- “It’s not exaggerating to say that living primal has completely changed my life.

I thought I was fit and strong before and have worked with nutritionists and PTs in the past but to be honest I was skinny fat and frankly unhealthy. I tried various fad diets, went plant based for a while, trained harder and harder still but nothing seemed to work until I was introduced to Primal. Since joining the program I have gained visible abs, am stronger and faster than ever before and achieved my first ever Spartan Podium not to mention smashing numerous PBs along the way. Plus I have gained a really good, supportive group of friends that want me to be successful. It really is the only way!”

-Michael Culver

Aidan Bryan - Spartan AG and Primal Evolve Athlete placed 17th in the Spartan world Championships after only 12 months training.

“I cannot recommend Matt and the Primal Team enough. It is not an exaggeration to say living primal has changed my life, this is not about getting fit or losing some weight, Matt’s approach is so much more. It is about building a lifestyle, metal resilience, proper nutrition, community support and targeted individualized training. I am fitter, stronger, healthier and happier than I can remember. Living Primal is the only way, I will never go back and the journey is only just beginning.”

Cheryl Beech - Spartan UK national series champion 2023, Elite Racer, Spartan Pro band and Primal Evolve Athlete

- “Before joining Primal I’d hit a wall with my training and didn’t seem to be able to progress.

In the first two months, I became faster and stronger. This has given me the confidence to step up from Age Group racing to Elite!”

Jamie Gane - Primal Evolve athlete, Para Racer, World Champion, British Champion 2023 & 2024, Multiple OCR European champion in 100m, short & Standard course 2023 & 2024 & Spartan Race European champion 2023

- “Good news chaps - first place today. I'm officially the Spartan Para European Champion!

“So.....your athlete has just gone and won another gold medal” - European short course champion


Josie Lloyd - Primal Evolve Coach, ELITE Racer, Fell runner & multiple podium winner 🏆

Nathan Mabbs-Godfrey - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Evolve Athlete

- “Life changing coaching that is easy to understand and easy to implement!”

Jimmy Napolitano - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Evolve Athlete and Savage race Podium winner 🥇

"Primal has done so much to change my way of life. Starting with nutrition, slowing down to go faster, and body composition, Matt and his team of well responsive coaches have gotten me dramatic gains in months. The special thing is...Matt Roberts doesn't just coach, he lives this life. So everything he does and coaches is 100% genuine. I'll be apart of this group for a while and I recommend it to anyone that wants to improve their life!"

Ryan Saban - Spartan AG Competitor, Primal Evolve Athlete & Spartan race UK AG National series Bronze medalist 2023

"Primal has done so much to change my way of life. Starting with nutrition, slowing down to go faster, and body composition, Matt and his team of well responsive coaches have gotten me dramatic gains in months. The special thing is...Matt Roberts doesn't just coach, he lives this life. So everything he does and coaches is 100% genuine. I'll be apart of this group for a while and I recommend it to anyone that wants to improve their life!"

Kaiimi Killock- Spartan Racer and Primal Awakening Athlete

- “Matt Roberts as promised I crossed the finish line as a champion I had so much fun getting muddy, but hated having to scrub it off still cleaning mud out of areas lol few bruises but it was totally worth it Primal Fitness changed my life and I'm so excited to be apart of a amazing team thank you Matt Chinn and Liam Mitchell for helping me throughout my training to get me where I am now this spartan victory is dedicated to our amazing coaches without Primal I don't know where I be right now but I am forever grateful for being a part of Primal can't wait for my coaching call tomorrow!”

“Primal strong all the way it’s the only way congratulations to everyone else that crushed course this weekend can't wait to hear victory stories tomorrow!” - Kai

Jack Coates- Competitive Spartan Racer, Primal Legacy Athlete & Spartan US National AG series Bronze in 2024

- “My ab workouts. I did it on and off for a couple years. Sometimes 3 days a week, sometimes back to back workouts, even had a single workout down to 16 minutes. Why couldn’t I get abs?!! I was working hard, had the occasional beer or ice cream sundae but c’mon.

I was running 15-25 miles a week. I just couldn’t get there until I logged and could actually pay attention to what I was putting in my body.

6 months later, turning 43 next week and I’m extremely happy with the discipline, commitment, and the knowledge/ guidance I’ve gained from Prima Fitnessl. Looking forward to the upcoming year and kicking!” - Jack

Claire Malshinger - Spartan Racer and Primal Awakening Athlete

- “Earlier this year I met someone who I found pretty fucking inspirational - Matt Roberts. He introduced me to his awesome tribe and they taught me that I needed to slow down, that I needed to fail so that I could learn, that I needed to be kinder to myself and give myself a break - none of these things come naturally to me.

But, I did them all (most of the time!)

I tell my boys two things every day - That nothing good ever happens in your comfort zone and that I don’t care if you can’t do something but I do care if you don’t try.

It’s massively important to me that I live this way too, because words are just that, and I can’t expect them to do something that I wouldn’t do.

And… so, if you know me, you’ll also know that I love anniversaries and dates so it thrills me to say that exactly 6 months apart, these photos were taken.

Whilst I’m obviously really proud of how I look, I’m prouder of what I’ve achieved.

I’m stronger, I’m fitter, I’m healthier, I’m happier. I’ve truly been awakened.

I Could go on.. but I’ll leave it here for now, excited, (and just the right amount of scared) to see what my future holds b

ut, none of this would have happened without two of the most phenomenal coaches Liam Mitchell and Matt Chinn - what can I say????

You’ve been fucking amazing - thank you!

Now, let’s see what else you’ve got!!!

Let’s fucking Evolve” - Claire

Oliver Blake - Spartan AG, Hyrox Competitor and Primal Awakening Athlete

Naomii Mitchell - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Awakening Athlete

Dan Turner - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Evolve Athlete

-“The Primal way has transformed me from an average runner to knocking on the door of the podiums within 8 months. Trust the process “Go Slow to go Fast” and you will get the results you want”.

Adam Gayden - Spartan AG Competitor and Primal Awakening Athlete

I went from to this in 6 months. Following all what I was given to the letter. My mind, my body, my stomach, my health feels 100x better! I’ve done countless training blocks over the years but non compare to Primal Fitness and the methods behind everything. It’s been absolutely life changing to me! And I’m only just scratching the surface

- Adam

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“Reaching out and receiving help from Matt with my nutrition and fitness goals has made me realise just how wrong I was getting it to begin with. In just a few short months I’ve noticed more change and felt 100 times better than I ever have by just trusting the process."

— Rob Harris

Here's what Primal Fitness had to say...

Firstly, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Rob for this amazing Transformation and incredible results over these few months. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣Not only has he lost body fat, but he also has increased muscle, strength and functional movement. Most importantly, he has improved his health, fitness/nutritional knowledge, energy and performance (even the people around him are taking great value from his journey!). ⁣He is also sleeping better!⁣ Wins, wins, oh and more wins!!!⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣The TRIBE is incredibly proud of you for your transformation (so far). You have fully embraced everything Primal has to offer, inside and out. I look forward to seeing more awesome results from you, over the months ahead!⁣⁣⁣

The sky truly is the limit here, I'm excited to see where you can take this! You tell your story online can make all the difference.”

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“Where do I start?

For years I’ve been trying so many ways to lose weight and get on the right track to a healthier life, and never succeeded.

I got offered to be trained and coached by Matt so decided to give it a go. Now I would never look back, wishing that I had the knowledge and power that Matt has taught me years ago. Not only has my weight loss been a success through Matt’s Primal theories, he has also helped improve my sleep and whole attitude through the correct life routine and diet.

If you are looking to get the best from yourself and live and healthy lifestyle I highly recommend Primal Fitness.”

Liam Becque

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"This is a process for everyone and anyone wanting to feel amazing.

Thanks Matt, it really has transformed my life.”

— Jordan Barry

Nigel Beales -

Well what can I say?

Buzzing right now!

I'm coming to the end of the my 17 week Primal Awakening training program. This isn't the end though. Only the beginning of yet a new chapter.

Yes, I've been dedicated to get results. But don't let these progress pictures fool you. I can honestly say that I have never beasted or starved myself the get where I am today. Not at any point ( apart from my 10km time trial. That was a killer Just under 43 mins isn’t too bad for a 51 year old)

My dedication has been to follow and believe in the Primal Process set out by the coaches.

Mindset,Nutrition and fitness. Follow these three honestly, and you will not fail.

4 months ago I chose to invest in myself.

I believe I invested wisely.

Shout out to the Primal coaches, Matt Roberts, and my personal coach Matt Chinn. It's been an eye opener. We go again!

But also to a guy who started me on the right path to begin with whether he wants credit or not. Cheers!

— Nigel Beales

"Matt and Primal Fitness have been very good. They have helped with diet and workout routines. I have lost a lot of weight over the last few months but had good muscle gains as well. I would highly recommend this programme for anyone wanting to see results.”

— Andrew Clifford

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"I have always been into the gym and did the typical week split with chest, back, arms and so on. However, as I was getting nowhere fast, I took the leap and invested in myself and haven’t looked back. I have gained so much knowledge even more so on top of what I already knew being a personal trainer myself, it has honestly changed my life.

Matt has been consistent and incredibly helpful throughout my lifestyle change. He has pointed me in the right direction and advised me throughout. Best investment I have ever made.


— Seb James

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This isn’t something I would usually share, but given the recent circumstances in not only the world but in a lot of my friends life’s. I think it’s the right time to share.

Most of you know my story and that my military career came to an end due to my own stupidity three years earlier.

I have been struggling mentally for a good 2 year at least I would say.

With constant worrying and anxiety about what was to come, and the future. In early December everything started getting too much mentally. So I decided to seek help.

I got in touch with Matt Roberts who at the time was a complete stranger. I didn’t want to reach out to someone who I new as I was embarrassed. And I thank god I did because I honestly don’t know we’re I would be if I didn’t.

If any body is struggling at all with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone. I Willis be happy to talk to you about any people’s or worries you have.

I’ll end with a big thank you to the TPT: The Primal Tribe I really appreciate it and look forward to the upcoming months.

Zak Zanotti


It’s basically the opposite of everything

I was probably doing before but with enough and yeah it's just learning different things.

A lot that I said the start having like a toolbox on now.

Now I can do certain things

and I know about certain

foods and if I certain foods and certain times going to be different things so yeah,

it's just a lot of knowledge of it now.

It’s probably the best bet that I've got.

I've tried a lot of stuff before this and love proofs in the pudding,

isn't it?


so far. And I've got all I've done a lot of different things over the years.

So, just have a look at the pictures. I've tried, obviously,

I've had different…sport academy.

programs…were a lot firm for rugby at quite high level…basketball…

quite high level. I've obviously done loads of different bodybuilding routines…different diets,

different supplements. Yeah.


Joe Batterbee


Here goes my attempt at pouring out some thoughts on my journey and recommitment. Working on my fourth week back at it. My start in October of ‘20 got interrupted by a nagging injury, complacency and excuses. I don’t see that as an issue though. Failure is not a destination but damn sure part of any journey. I’ve never measured myself by my failures but instead judge myself by my commitment to learn from them and move on to success. I’ve fully embraced the program on this trip , not trying to get to the next phase until my coach says I am ready, not trying to be overly critical of setbacks or overly excited for wins. Just taking progress as it comes , staying the course, enjoying the journey......... enjoying MY journey, being present for my family, focused on long term health and mental goals. In three weeks I am down 6-7 pounds but its more than that..... much more. I have energy all day, mentally I am more focused, I see the gains, i see the losses, I am sleeping more sound, I am more peaceful with my day and much less triggered socially and I have embraced a routine of self care. I attribute a great deal to my two “Matts” on my side.

Matt got me started and I fell off then he teamed me up with Matt who properly kicked my ass into gear and held me accountable. For that I am truly thankful. “Chinny” has become more than a coach. Its a call I look forward to, a text I look for and sometimes a reminder when motivation lacks. He’s become a true freind. I hope if you’ve gotten to this part of my shitty novel you’ve gained something from it because I’ve sure as shit run on about myself. In short, Primal is more than a program and much like a home..... band of brothers.......or as they say “A Tribe”. Cheers to everyone’s journey and god speed in your own individual directions.

Thomas Potter, March 2021

MANS BEST FRIEND- dogs are awesome creatures and always there to please. Mostly without thought of themselves. They came with me not because I asked but because I opened the door to go outside. No “where do you want to eat drama” or “ when are we leaving scenario” just ready to go with me. Sometimes we miss the reason we do this…… At first glance seems I am having my ass ( arse for the UK) handed to me from a chubby little French Bulldog.

Truth is it’s the first 200M and she’s gone out too hard. She’s run with me for months now and does this every time……. Without change. She’s not dumb at all but doing what she thinks is best or wanted from her. We are no different. We fail, learn that failure is expected and also a point from which to start to win at life but all to often continue down the same path. This is where PRIMAL fits into our lives. Enlist a coach, succumb to a new path, train new habits and burn a new trail for life. Life is unknown journeys strung together as we navigate best we can. If it were any different it would be called “ A Map”. We don’t know where obstacles lie in wait.

We only see the beginning and end points of a journey. A PRIMAL coach can help you navigate, tailor a program and kick you gently in the “arse” when needed ( insert coach here. Let use Matt Chinn for example) and get you back to work. We all lose our way and that doesn’t mean you’ve quit or regressed.

In my case, when I lose my way, I disconnect from all external contacts. Being a loner is easy ………. Also dangerous. You begin to think like you’re on an island or the world has a conspiracy against you and your day. These are incorrect conclusions and lead to more inward thinking. Endorphins for me are more than a body’s response to exercise. Endorphins bring clarity of mind, a sense of relief, and a channel for thoughts. MAF running has been a Godsend. Great for a workout, fit into PRIMAL training and allows me to not be so oxygen-deprived and have great moments to clear my mind of daily bullshit. [Matt] Chinny showed me the way of MAF training and I slowly succumbed to the benefit. Mans best friend is there for more than just a run. Hope this helps someone in need today.

Thomas Potter, September 2021