The home of Primal Fitness. The only all encompassing OCR specific ancestral living coaching program.

Become leaner, faster, stronger. Awaken the primal mind, body, and spirit with our tailored coaching.

“Living Primal, is the way!”

Matt Roberts - Spartan Race National Series Champion 2021

I found my way… That way was Primal. This is the way.

Get ready to live Primal. And dominate the obstacles in your path.

You may soon discover that “It’s the only way!”

What is Primal living & training about?

Whether you’re a competitive athlete wanting to take you performance to the next level, or novice to the OCR world, or simply looking to make some improvements to your health, body, self confidence and/or increase your performance.

Primal Fitness is focused on taking you back to your ancestral roots so that you can gain true health, through quality nutrition, movement/physical training, all whilst creating a resident mindset and habits and routines that set you up for success, therefore enabling you to perform to the highest standard in life and on the obstacle course!

How does this work?

This 1 to 1 individualised coaching program and community provides structure, support and accountability like you’ve never experienced before.

Not only will you get to work with Matt and be trained by him and his methods that has transform 100s of lives. Matt has trained his Health and Performance coaches and continues their professional development to ensure that they continue to be of the highest calibre and standard for the delivery of your training experience.

These successful coaches and athletes are podium winning champions who lead from the front and stand beside you the whole way to give you the best possible results and experience, creating not only sustainable and enjoyable change but lasting results through specific education, all whilst having fun. Sounds too good to be true right? Haha!

We’ll work for you, with you, to find the exact knowledge needed to succeed, to get the very best out of you. Then we’ll build on that success to create the best experience and athlete possible.

All programmes are customised specifically to you and around the four core fundamentals of Primal Fitness and they evolve as you evolve over time. (more on that on the next page).

Complete novice? Beginner? Open racer? Competitive athlete? Or just looking to get into the best physical shape of your life? the What what are you waiting for?

Primal is the way!

Apply for coaching HERE! It’s the only way!

Who am I?